Hello! Today I’m talking about a new summer Challenge, epic workout and my goals. I will be working with Propel on this “Lyte Up Your Workout” summer challenge because they just came out with an Electrolyte water.

“When you sweat you lose a lot more than water. You lose critical electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which help the brain communicate with muscles and regulate fluid level balance throughout the body. significant losses in fluid and electrolytes can negatively impact your workouts, especially during longer exercise routines.” <- This is incredibly crucial for long distance running! MY most current VIDEOS Marathon training Day 1 More Videos 0 seconds of 3 minutes, 12 seconds Next Up Marathon training Day 3 00:51 Live 00:00 08:21 03:12   I’ve read studies on how just being slightly dehydrated or lacking in electrolytes hurts long distance running performance. I’m pretty ecstatic to sip on this magical water and see if it helps considering that I’m a very salty sweater. The first mission in my partnership with Propel is to workout with Gunnar Peterson. Um, whaaaaat?! I.Die. For those that don’t know (I absolutely did because I’m a fan girl about this kinda stuff) he is a very popular trainer to celebrities including the Kardashians. He is quoted in the fine magazine I was reading on the plane a few days ago about Khloe Kardashian’s recent weight loss! Okay. So undoubtedly I was incredibly ecstatic and afraid about working out with Peterson! He is legit and I was terrified I was going to die, but what a way to go – right?! I found myself in Beverly Hills today and tried to pretend my last name started with a K and ended with ardashian. Camiseta Cruz Azul Hey, a girl with a big butt can dream…

I used a row machine, kettle bells and did some crazy ab work while punching this guy. It was HARD!

The angry trainer and Gunnar Peterson both took a turn trying to kill me. thankfully I lived to eat another day.

After my workout I was a creepy McCreeperson and took some pictures of the place where Kim works out her incredible booty gym.

I am going to pretend like Gunnar and I are homies now. someone tweet him and tell him for me? Thanks.

We talked about the value of strength training and nutrition. I’m incredibly inspired to set a new goal and attack it!

My summer challenge Goals:

1. strengthen my core and glutes by working those areas 3 times a week.

2. lose a few pounds by tracking nutrition and cutting out mindless snacking. (I also had the opportunity to talk with an RD and we discussed what I’m eating and where I can improve. a lot more on this later.)

This challenge is from may 1st to July 16th! Please join me and leave a your summer fitness goal Below! Wouldn’t it be awesome to end the summer better than when it started?!

Question: What is your summer challenge Goal??


Disclaimer: Camiseta Valencia This post is in partnership with Propel. All opinions are my own. Don’t forget to tweet/instagram/other Gunner and tell him to by my homie. Thanks.



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